Monday, July 22, 2013

" A Kind Act is like a boomerang -it always Comes back"

" A kind act is like a boomerang it always comes back" How many times Have I found myself using this little quote on Face Book and Twitter. I love old sayings and I use them on social media. It is my new found place to learn new "techie" lessons. I actually started two years ago on Twitter. Margie Clayman was the first to share with me when I got bold enough to ask questions. Then the kind, gentle, person Dave Carpenter shared with the newbie. I followed them everyday and the methods they used. It was time to share something of my self. It was then I decided to share my large collection of old sayings which began with grandparents and parents.

Old sayings brought me re tweets, mentions, and followers. GrandmaONDeck followers began to grow. I learned to follow back. Not only that, I learned to share their messages, blogs and pictures. Then I noticed that many of those I followed had blog pages and newsletters. My old sayings were good but were they enough.

For quite some time I thought about many subjects and wrote about random memories, softball, art, and acts of kindness.  I was still not satisfied with what I had to say. I recalled the first time I discovered that seniors were being isolated and lonely. It was at the beginning of the retirement from my second career when I was severely injured on a airport transport. I found myself in a rehab hospital learning to walk again. My bedroom was in the nursing home section of the hospital. It is there I began to notice so many lonely seniors. I spent time with them but worried about them when I left the facility. When I went home I found myself somewhat isolated depending on others because I couldn't drive.

So "Don't Isolate Our Seniors" became my theme.  I want to research and share how we can reach our seniors with our new technologies. Here are a few of may blogs about Seniors:

Name That Tune For Seniors

Don't Isolate Seniors in Severe Weather

Senior Isolation Awareness

A Kind Act Through New Technologies.

Now with the new computer skills I have learned,  I have  branched out into researching and blogging so that I can reach out to seniors and keep them in the loop with new technologies. It has been fun joining a walk group, an art group, neighborhood care committee, and a neighborhood Bunco group.

I joined the Mt. Juliet Senior Activity Center where I live. I enjoy their activities and events. It was there I founded The Imagination Travelers Book Club. I enjoy my new founded friends. The Executive Director of the Senior Center asked me to serve on the Media Committee monitoring The
Center's Facebook Page. What a natural for me. My kind Act Boomerang has returned.

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