Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Compassion-True Treasure of the Heart

Compassion is two words with co-meaning of strong feelings. It is the sympathy we show with warmth and for the bad misfortunes of others. Human compassion is boundless. It provides hope and empowerment. We all need love and compassion to be happy. True compassion means not only feeling ones pain but being moved to help relieve it.

Compassion is a true tradition. I believe in honesty, equality, kindness, and compassion. Helping those in need by showing compassion is a true traditional character or core value. Compassion is giving and receiving.

It is hard to practice compassion when we are off-balance with our own authenticity. Don’t get stuck with ego. We all have different purposes. Love and compassion unfolds it. This day and time we often put people status above their more important qualities. Long letters and degrees after someone’s name do not guarantee kindness, compassion, or humor- the important qualities.

Compassion and kindness are true treasures of the heart. We need Compassion to change the conditions that support our suffering like ignorance, bitterness, negligence, and holding on. Compassion is the capacity to be attentive to others experiences, to wish the best for others, and what will serve others. At the end of the day, love and compassion will win out.

We all lean toward love. Pets have more love and compassion than most humans. Compassion is a knowledge acquired by daily practice. Compassion and forgiveness are not our storyline in the present time. People who have been through painful, difficult times are filled with compassion.

"Attitude Of Graditude"

Gratefulness, gratitude and appreciation are adjectives for “Attitude of Gratitude”. Focusing on positive things and positive people draws positive outcomes. Focus on what you do have.

Make a list each day of things you are grateful for. Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping up a present and not giving it. Three things you can always put on your list; keep your word, your smile, and your grateful heart. Only with gratitude does life become rich and inward feeling of kindness is received.

We aren’t born with gratitude we are taught it. We need to teach our children. We feel joy and strength when we are filled with gratitude. Each day is Thanksgiving when we show it. It works like the power pack of the pink rabbit- lasts and is a motivator. All you need is a grateful heart and share it with others. Renew and refresh it daily just as the day refreshes itself. The best way to enjoy something is to simply enjoy the moment and be grateful for it. Savor the good times with family

Finding Things To Live For

Finding things to live for is living my life that reflects my values. To want something good, and to sense something beautiful is the purpose of life. I want to make my dent in the universe and finding my purpose is my target.

The purpose of life is to live it. It is to live, learn, and love. Every day we have a calling to do one kind act – even if it is only to smile. Your life matters and everything you experience matters. Purpose is the selfless service to others.

Your purpose defines who you are and how you live it. I read this somewhere:” You are here on earth to unearth who on earth you really are”. Be grateful for who you are so you can be the best you can be. You make your own purpose. Turn the negatives into positives. Be a value to others and not a drain on them. Your purpose is your why. “You should never be the snooze button when life gives you a wake-up call. Focus on taking responsibility for where you are.

Always Focus On The Light

The old church hymn:” This Little Light of Mine I’m going to let it shine- let it shine” reminds me to always focus on the light. It releases tension and stress. It brings balance to your life and supports healing at all levels. It achieves a deeply relaxed, calm state of being.

“Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher”. Education is the movement from darkness to light. Radiate light and the darkness will disappear itself. We must each decide to walk in the light of creativity or the darkness of destructive selfishness.

“Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy” is a beautiful song by John Denver which clearly gives an example of focusing on the light. Love is light and some days you have to make your own sunshine. Life eliminates physical clutter and keeps life simple.

De-clutter the mind, de-clutter the house, and de-clutter the heart. What you really want is all you need. Take things in a happy way. Forgiveness lightens the weight of the heart because it gives you back the lightness. And, it brings back the laughter. When you feel the lightness you want more. Give your spark of light to others and hear their voices. When we work toward creating light for others we light our own path.

Love With Intention

Live with intention. Life reflects back to what we think. Whatever you think and believe you can achieve. You can create your own reality. Your life becomes what you believe.

We make an intention and act on it. Intention of fear creates painful consequences. Try to keep a positive attitude and use what you have to make others happy.

Everything has an intention. An error is not done with bad intentions. Is motivating or inspiring someone giving them intention? Caring requires the intention of love. Not acting in anger when you are angry is an intention of love. Goal setting- Is that planning intention? You can make an error in judgment but I hope not in intention.

Intention is purpose or attitude. It is determining mentally an action to take. It is something you plan or want to do. Intention is mental. You can just plan but it takes action to get it going. Train your mind to see the good in everything. “People with good intentions make promises but people with good character keep them “

Spirit Of Adventure

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dream. Adventure is choosing the only way to learn. If you don’t find anything you like you can at least find something new. You can find adventure in each new day.

A life lived in fear is a life half lived. Don’t lose sight of your dreams- you exist but cease to live. It is never too late to be who you want to be. Keep trying-trust your instincts, but most of all keep on trying. It reminds me of the old saying: “Nothing ventured anything gained“.

You have to look for adventures because they just don’t turn up and fall in your lap. Isn’t adventure another way of saying another opportunity take it? Follow your heart and intuition and live your best life.

Adventure is an attitude that we must apply today to today’s life. Listen to the inner voice for you really know what you want to become. Many people never reach their goals because they never define them.