Thursday, February 26, 2015

Harmony Is A Great Word

Harmony is a great word. It means you are in agreement.-accord and harmonious relations. It means what you say and what you do is in harmony.

It is important to recognize these things:

Recognize that it is common nature that each person has is the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

Recognize that each person has something to add to this world.

Recognize you are able to be useful to others and others to you.

Recognize that you are not in harmony if you all sing the same note>

What do you do to be in harmony with the those you encounter?

First of all, share yourself with good intent. Being true to your self-attracts integrity and respect. Keep the telephone of your mind open to peace, harmony, and health. When doubt, anxiety or fear try to call they get a busy signal.

Remember Every time you encounter another person that the major percentage of that person is just like you. Know what you want what to achieve. Dig deep and ask others to help. How to have the harmony you say. Love is the answer. We are all on this planet together.