Saturday, May 25, 2013

Yes, I Fly The Flag

Yes, I fly the flag
I can remember the World War II Declaration made over the radio by Roosevelt. It was a strange and frightening message. Following that message, many young men were drafted or enlisted. I am from a large family of eight children, five boys, and three girls. During the duration of the war, it was a tribute to place a small banner in a window with one star for each member of the family that was in military service.

The Edwards family was proud to display a banner with five stars. Warren the oldest was in the Air Force serving as supply officer and station in England. Russel, the second oldest and smallest brother in statue served in
The Marine First Division landed on Guadalcanal. He drove an ammunition truck to the front lines. He received a Silver Star for his bravery.
Sister Evelyne served in the United States as an Army Nurse cadet in a military hospital.  Robert served on a US Naval carrier transporting troops for beach landings in the war zones. Jack served in the US Army Infantry. As I wrote this I realized we had a family member in the Air Force, Marines. Navy, Army, and Army Nurse Cadets. The three youngest, Don, Sue, and I too young to serve. However, Donald did enlist as an Army Specialist and served as a photographer covering military events.

As for me, I married a decorated Army Sargent who served in two campaigns in World War II. He crawled across an open field and rescue a down soldier under his command.

There were several cousins who also served in World War II. A nephew served in the Viet Nam war.
 My Father's brother fought in World War II. My Dad had reached enlistment age and was to be ship out on the announcement of D-Day.

As I search back in family history I am sure that I will find more who served in the military. Right now I can say my immediate family served and all came back whole. I read about a mother who lost five sons on a bombed naval carrier. Everyone's lives have been touched by our soldiers. So many did not return.

Today, I place my American flag outside. I am pr

oud to salute my family soldiers and all the soldiers across the nation who fought to keep us safe. May we search each and every day for ways to serve them. Let us find ways to help our Wounded Warriors. Memorial Day should last all year.

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