Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Older I Get The More Clutter I gather!

It occurred to me that each day I add to my many years of life I also gather clutter, not just material things, but thoughts and beliefs that are no longer the way of life. There is no secret about getting old- it is what it is, but it makes no sense to live out your life in the yester-years. Be aware of what is going on around you.

Surround your self with activities that keep you healthy and moving. Don't be afraid of walking each day alone. Get a cell phone to call for help if needed.I walk with a four wheel walker and that cell phone in the basket is my security, and I see friends outside in my neighborhood as I walk. Sometimes they join me.

I love to read books and have learned to order my books online. Yes, I won a Kindall and have learned how to use it. I can down load books from the library as well. This brought about learning about WiFi as well. So with a little practice I started a book club at our community senior center. Now I have 12 new friends in the Imagination Traveler's Book Club.

Chain reaction ! The book club members communicate through email. Another project learning to set up groups in email contacts, and setting up a book club membership list on Excel spreadsheets.
Next came the social media 101 on the computer. What a learning experience this has been.  Don't get me wrong- I still believe in writing personal thank you notes and special cards and sending them through snails mail.

So the lessons this vintage soul has learned is :
Always be aware of what is in the now.
Exercise your brain as well as your body.
Keep growing and learning.
Share your days with others.
Ask for help if needed -you may be strong but everyone needs help once in a while.
Put The new techie phones down and listen to what people have to say.
Improve communication skills

Remember, as you grow older and gain those laugh wrinkles it is better than worry warts.