Thursday, September 5, 2013

Older People Are Happy: Life Begins At 40 And 50 And 60

Older People Are Happy: Life Begins At 40 And 50 And 60 There are many misconceptions about a person who reaches the age to be referred to as senior citizen can no longer be active. As an 84 year old I found it is not the case. The label just doesn't fit. I like to use an adjective that a friend of mine uses "vintage". I live in a gated retirement community where 55 plus is a requirement to buy a house .
There are over 100 clubs and as many activities. One of the gentlemen tennis player's just won the National Men's singles in the Senior Olympics As long as "Seniors" keep active they are happy and healthier.

This fact of being active compels me to tell you about one of my neighbors Mary. She is 85 years old, raised 9 children, and has been part of the foundation and backbone of her church. She teaches Sunday School, participates in the church Women's Council, and many other church functions. Mary also participates in many of our retirement community functions. Mary was diagnosed with leukemia this year and is undergoing chemotherapy. She is in a lot of pain with spinal stenosis. She can't attend church but she still does her church work by Skypeing. Yes, that is right! She is looking into an application that will allow her to speak and her computer will write. She only asks that she lives long enough to see her youngest grandson enter college in three years.

This brings me to the point of my reason for writing this blog. Not every Senior has the surroundings that I do. Not everyone has family and neighbors like I do. There are many living alone and do not get out much because they can't drive, don't drive at night and don't feel safe. There are many in nursing facilities who need activities. There are so many new technologies like, music downloads to share, games to play. books to read, and yes computers to share pictures. like Mary's Skype is a wonderful way to share with friends and family. The new voice applications will  help people with arthritic hands to voice a message. New digital frames to store family pictures is another great way to help.

But another way to help keep our Seniors in the loop is join and volunteer at your local Senior Centers to build, improve and expand for all the community to share. Activities and meeting friends is the best way to keep happy and healthy for all. As long as seniors can stay healthy and happy their life span will grow.