Thursday, November 2, 2017

Do You Know Where Your Parents Are ?

                                                 Do We Know Where Our Parents Are?
Yes, we know where our parents are. They are home where they want to be, but is that enough? Some cannot drive; some are afraid to travel alone, and some have no transportation. Many do not realize that society is isolating their seniors.
I am just one member of the Mt. Juliet Senior Activity Center who knows and shares the benefits of living in their own home and enjoying sharing fun, games, coffee, exercise, and many beneficial programs with friends of my own age.  Mark Hinesley, Mt. Juliet Chamber of Commerce President said: “If you want to check the pulse of a city, check the schools, churches, organizations, and the senior centers. Growth brings new businesses, new people, and with those new people are their families and parents.”
This is so true with the city of Mt. Juliet …it is growing. New schools and churches have been built; parks and playground facilities are being updated and, yes even a new beautiful Chamber of Commerce Building. So why can’t Mt. Juliet build a new facility for its seniors? Why is it not under the umbrella of the City? Why it is still a stand-alone…only funded through grants and the fundraisers by member volunteers?
Seniors are a part of the make-up of the Mt. Juliet community. Residents of Mt. Juliet, Tn. Help build a safe place for them now and a future place for you as you reach their age. Everyone in the community can help: Investors, Developers, Builders, Companies, Organizations, Churches, and Residents. Search in your hearts. Land, building materials, roofing, windows, doors, furnishings are all a part of fundraising for a new Senior Center to replace the now old and over-crowded facility.

Contact the Executive Director, Sharon Howard for your contributions. 615-758-9114