Tuesday, August 15, 2017

How Does It Feel To Be 85.

Someone asked me the other day:” How does it feel to be 86 years old? My first impulse was to say: “I don’t know I have never been that age before.” Why did they ask that question? So with that in mind I ask them why?  The person told me that their image of “old people” was one of feebleness, grumpiness, and set in their ways. They didn’t think I fit that description even with my white hair and wrinkles.
Well, that got me to thinking…how do I feel at 85? Somehow I have grown accustomed to my white hair and frankly quite proud of it because I receive compliments daily on how pretty, thick and shiny it looks. I can’t say that much for my wrinkles though. I keep telling myself the wrinkles were etched in my face as I weathered life’s journey seeking my purpose in life. I am true to myself and fit in my own skin. I apply lotion every night as I did when I was a youngster.
As a Senior I walk a little slower, but I do not like the fast-paced world around me. As I grow older I have found the value of self-care. In fact, self-care at any age is valuable. One of my favorite quotes: “If you look good you feel good. If you feel good you do good.” Older folks have problems with balance and flexibility. However, the new age seniors keep on moving for a healthier happier life.
At my vintage age I love good fresh food. That hasn’t changed. Good fresh vegetables are making a comeback at the supermarkets and farmer’s roadside stands. What has changed for me is the way I cook meat…no fried foods. Occasionally, fried chicken does my soul good…and, I must mention fried catfish.
Inside, I feel as though I am the same as I was as a youngster. I have learned to think with my mind and feel with my heart. I love color and nature. I love connecting and sharing with people. I love learning new things daily and setting goals.
So to answer the question…”What does it feel at the age of 85? I feel young at heart, can walk my own path at my own pace, and enjoy life.