Friday, June 1, 2012

What made Me Choose A 5k Walk For 80th Birthday

A friend On Twitter asks me to write something to share with her Adult Education Class. The Question was what motivated me to walk a 5k for my 80th birthday.
The answer is if you don't use it you lose it. My age and injuries have caused me to have stiff and achy legs.
The problems with my legs began a few years ago when I was involved in a very serious accident on an airport transport. My ankle was fractured across the joint between the foot and the ankle. Surgery was required and two plates were bolted to my leg down into my foot. The Doctor did not guarantee I would walk again. After surgery, I spent 41/2 months in a Rehab hospital doing therapy for the injured leg and building upper body strength so I could get up out of bed into my wheelchair. For two months my leg stayed elevated and not allowed to touch the ground-I was in a steel boot for protection.

It was a shock to my very active life. Battling cancer twice, losing my husband and now facing the fact I might never walk again. The only option I had I did a little self-care, share a little with the fellow patients in the hospital and yes, walk again. The hospital wanted to send me home in a wheelchair but I said no! I wanted a four-wheel walker. It took a year to walk without the walker. Walking around the house and short distances were okay but for long distances, the walker was used. My "Cadillac Walker "was a great reward for perseverance.

Then in a fall 2 years ago I shattered a wrist which required surgery and more plates inserted into my body. My regained active life had been turned back into slow motion. My brain wanted to go but my body said no! Lack of exercise caused stiffness in the joints. I tried exercise machines but they were so boring. I joined Zumba Chair for 24 lessons. The exercise class made me smile but some of the moves created pain in the back and legs.

Back to square one for me! I can't give up on walking. My daughter stays fit by running half marathons. I can't run! What about me! The light bulb turned on-I can walk with my "Cadillac Walker" and do 5k for my 80th birthday. Being a structured person my goal was perfect. It is like making a good biscuit or playing the piano-it takes practice to be good. My daughter guided me through the training process by walking with me through the sessions and then walking with me in the 5K.

Lesson learned: Be thankful for what you have and make their best at what you have". You will be fine that the happiest person is not the one who has the best of everything but makes the most of everything he has. Last, but not least making the most of downtime by learning new technologies, kept my mind exercised, and found a connection beyond my neighborhood. The connection is you my Twitter and Facebook Friends.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Plant A Special Garden

 Today I watered plants along my flower bed into my front door entrance because they catch the hot morning sun.These were a gift from my girls for Mother's Day. I really want them to survive. I could never grow anything but geraniums. I haven't figured out that one yet. My Mother could grow anything. She would take a little clipping from a plant. stick it into the soil,and it would thrive like a weed. For me, I figured the only way I was to have a green thumb was to paint it. But I do want my new plants to survive. I will talk to them daily if necessary.
As I watered the plants this morning an idea crossed this vintage soul's brain.I pulled out one of my four composition books where I have collected
many old sayings and such with the recommended seeds to plant. Plant them, nurture them, and watch them grow. Share your harvest with others.

If you plant honesty you will reap trust.
If you plant goodness you will reap friends.
If you plant humility you will reap greatness.
If you plant perseverance, you will reap contentment.
If you plant consideration, you will reap perspective.
If you plant hard work, you will reap success.
If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation.
So be careful what you plant now, it will determine what you reap.

Handpainted Glassware

 When I started painting on glass I discovered hand painted gifts were cherished. They made such wonderful keepsakes. Art work after a while saturates the walls. You then go to ACEO's(Art Card Edition Original) and print of original note cards. Aceo's are baseball cards size and be placed in an album for coffee table conversation.
Then  came a new direction, the art of painting on glass. The usual method of painting is applying paint in layers, by adding highlights and shadows to give the art piece dimension.
Now the Art of One Stroke painting has made it possible to load your brush with medium, highlight, and shadows, and make one stroke  to accomplish a whole petal of a flower at one time. By using glass paint enamel the item can be placed in an oven to bake curing the paint in a short interval. Other wise you must wait 21 days for the paint to cure.
With the one stroke method I have painted on bud vases, glasses, wood, bookmarks, picture frames and many more. My favorite is to paint a wine bottle and fit a candelabra in the top.The different colored bottles make it a nice decorative piece.
Each type of product takes a different medium. Candles take candle medium and acrylic paint. Flower pots take patio paint or acrylic paint and a sealer to seal the porous clay.
Ah, but for weddings, what a range of items that can be painted.One of my favorites are hand painted wine glasses in white trimmed in gold roses.Then hot gluing a small bow and a miniature rose on the stem.There are beautiful hand painted bowls to hold floating candles as center pieces.There are so many more. One stroke painting makes it possible. These all can be found in my booth #304 at the Basement Marketplace 14625 Lebanon Road, Old Hickory, TN 615-754-9500  "Let me share my joy of painting"