Friday, March 1, 2013

Random Memories

Recently I posted a quote: " I enjoy those random memories that pop up at no particular time that makes me smile. I love those of my early childhood when I was in awe of the world around me. It was a time of being a child, testing, learning and growing. When I posted the quote about random memories I immediately saw a picture in my mind of my best friend Dorothy and I learning  how to cook. It  made me smile.

One day we decided to make donuts. We got out the "Joy Of Cooking". cookbook, It was the cooking bible of the times. Carefully we read the list of ingredients, in fact we read it twice. As I read the amount for each ingredient Dorothy measured and placed them into big mixing bowl. The big bowl of batter was ready. I read the instructions :Drop in a deep kettle.
I dropped the batter in a tea-kettle that always sat on the cook stove. We cooked the batter for the specified time. What? the batter came spewing out the spout ! This is when it happened. I did not read the complete sentence. It said in a deep kettle of fat. On a recent visit Dorothy and I had a big laugh over the cooking experience.We certainly enjoyed our visit over a nice home cooked meal .Yes, we both turned out to be good cooks. I still have a cook book on my shelf named "Joy Of Cooking". Even though it is not the first edition I had, I find some of the old information on canning, pickling, and cooking all kinds of food are in it. Using it reminds me, how to keep valuables and how to lock some up in your heart and move on. And, after posted this random memory, I will start recording my random memories as they occur for my daughter for her to enjoy and smile.

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