Friday, March 8, 2013

Keys To Change

My brand on twitter has been old sayings that pack meaning, power and wisdom. I grew up with old saying through the trickle down method from one generation to another. Some old sayings are packed with humor as well as wisdom. My collection has grown quite large and includes some of my own. I am now categorising them into topics. Here 10 old sayings under the topic of : "Keys To Change"

1. "Key to change is let go of fear."

2. "Sometimes you have to let go to see if there is anything worth holding on  to."

3. "There is an important difference between letting go and giving up."

4. "Accept the things that can not be changed and move on."

5. "Hanging on to resentment is like letting someone you dislike live in your mind rent free"

6." Think about any attachments that are depleting you emotionally." Consider letting go.

7. "You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to things you don't want to feel."

8. "Holding back grudges, guilt, resentment and anger are all energy draining."

9. "Being happy doesn't mean everything make everything perfect. It means you have decided to move beyond imperfections."

10. "Some people regard change means quitting-which we all know is cowardly. But holding on to things that make you stumble makes you cowardly."

Nothing stays the same. Think about your fears of change. Think about accepting the things you can not change and move on. Let go of the clutter,

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