Thursday, May 31, 2018

Enjoy Traditions At Any Age

Enjoy Traditions at Any Age
Many traditions we enjoyed as youngsters can be fun in our adult years as well. I attended an Easter luncheon at my Senior Center and as I came in the door the receptionist told me to go find an Easter egg and bring it back to the desk for a prize. When I entered the main room I saw many senior members laughing and enjoying the hunt.  I found mine, in my favorite color, lavender in a lighted palm tree next to the Trips and Tours table.
Seniors love the games and traditions they did as youngsters. It is still a thrill to find the golden egg or guess how many jelly beans are in the jar even if you are a vintage soul. So many random memories are brought back by sharing a holiday meal with others, and listening to holiday music, performed by an “Over the Hill “choir.
There are so many family traditions to share with others. It is fun to play the board games that were played in our younger years, crochet and knit, quilting, choir, dancing, old-time country music, billiards, bible study, dulcimer, ukulele, and just plain sharing coffee and conversation.
This June 22, 2020, will be The Mt. Juliet Senior Activity Center’s 42th Anniversary. As I work to promote the 42th Anniversary and reopening of the Senior Center,  I can’t forget the joy of participating in the programs at the Senior Center. Members are healthier and happier because they are not isolated and alone.
It takes a lot of volunteering to meet the operating costs and to work toward building a new building because MJSAC is a rare stand-alone Senior Center. All businesses and individuals can help by donating what they can toward keeping this vital part of the Mt Juliet communt

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