Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Finding Things To Live For

Finding things to live for is living my life that reflects my values. To want something good, and to sense something beautiful is the purpose of life. I want to make my dent in the universe and finding my purpose is my target.

The purpose of life is to live it. It is to live, learn, and love. Every day we have a calling to do one kind act – even if it is only to smile. Your life matters and everything you experience matters. Purpose is the selfless service to others.

Your purpose defines who you are and how you live it. I read this somewhere:” You are here on earth to unearth who on earth you really are”. Be grateful for who you are so you can be the best you can be. You make your own purpose. Turn the negatives into positives. Be a value to others and not a drain on them. Your purpose is your why. “You should never be the snooze button when life gives you a wake-up call. Focus on taking responsibility for where you are.


mudman said...

This is a beautiful post in living and purpose and 'living with purpose' - so many beautiful nuggets of wisdom here!! Thank you, Gloria - for being you. And smiling and serving - Hugs - Kumud

From My Brush said...

Thank You Kumud for your thoughts on this blog. It is my wish to learn to express myself and share and reach as many as I can.