Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Brand-Old Sayings part II

In the past I have talked about my reason behind using old sayings on social media. The reason is they are colorful expressions. They are two the point and say so much in such a few words. I find them amusing and they just make a fit with my twitter name, GrandmaOnDeck. It is my brand. I want to spread smiles and wisdom through these old sayings. I have heard them from my parents and grandparents. Many of them I wasn't sure what they meant. As I grew older I began to learn their meanings. In my first Old Saying Blog I had several old sayings interpretations.

In Part II these are  few continuations:
19. My mother taught me ESP
      "Put your sweater on. Don't you know it is cold outside.
20. My Mother taught me Humor.
      " When that lawnmower cuts off your toes don't come running to me.
21. My Mother taught me How To Become An Adult.
      " If you don't eat your vegetables you will never grow up".
22. My mother taught me Genetics.
      " You are just like your father"
23. My mother taught me about my Roots.
      "Shut the door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?
24. My mother taught me Wisdom
      " When you get to be my age you will understand.
25. My mother taught me justice.
      " One day you will have kids, and I hope they will turn out just like you.
My collection of old sayings are handwritten in 5 composition books. I will continue to collect and quote them. They are my Brand for GrandmaOnDeck

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