Friday, August 17, 2012

Fastpitch Softball-Not A Simple Game.

After reading a statement on the internet declaring softball as a simple game, I had to write my thoughts. In support of the National Profastpitch Softball League; and, to promote equality for women in their chosen field, I must support their qualifications.

Softball is a sport that a lot of people take for granted. It is not a simple game. There is a great deal strategy and concentration. You can not walk out onto the field and do as well as experiencxed players. The more experienced you are the better you do. That is a given. What most people do not understand is the amount of concentration you have to have for a ball coming at your head going 65 to 70 miles per hour is no joke.

The game takes skill, talent and the love for the game. It requires speed on the bases. It takes mental fitness and concentration to hit a ball 70 mile per hour. Smart strategies, smart plays. smart hitting and smart base running all come into play. Then there is the speed in the outfield to run down the soaring balls and accurate throwing to make the outs. Infielders, are in the hot spots fielding hard hit balls, ones that comeback as fast as they were pitched. They show great glove work. The pitcher and catcher working in tandem and being accoutable for their play.

The game takes talent, skills, mental and physical fitness, and love for the game. When you watch a Profastpitch game you will see highly skilled players who are physically and mentally fit. They are very well educated
women. They play with heart and love for the game. These players are mothers, teacher's coaches, business women and play in their chosen sport.

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