Friday, June 15, 2012

Stop Bullying Build Self-Worth

Bullying ourselves is real. Comparison to others brings out the problem, It causes us to stray away from the fact that we are uniquely individuals. Comparisons eat away that positive attitude and lets negativity drain our energy.

Does being pushed to be at the top of our game create a problem of not living up to our expectations? Does it deflate your self-worth?

When I was in elementary school bullying was labeled "teasing"
It just seemed to be human nature to call a red haired kid "carrot top".
Shorty, Skyscraper, Freckles all seemed to be harmless nicknames.Siblings would hear;"your brother made better grades or you sister behaves better than you" from a teacher.

When we arrived at home we had parents and siblings to talk things over.
Family support was so important. Now, because we use so many new technologies kids are not interacting with others. When they face an issue of bullying they can't cope.They have no one to discuss their problems with because family members have busy schedules. Many times they don't even share a meal together.

Self-bullying starts when the family starts going their own ways. Home is no longer a safe haven to share and solve problems. When teens began to text and humiliate others it became a game. Bullying became a trendy thing to do on school campuses. Those being bullied started losing sight of their self-worth. With no one at home to discuss it with some comparisons to siblings and others entered the picture tagged "self-bullying".
If bullying started accelerating through new technologies why can't new technologies be a tool to stop the bullying?

Help to build self-worth by posting positive messages. Share you ideas.

Don't text messages that will hurt someone.

Do not stay connected to those who participated in bullying.\

Delete questionable messages.

Tell your friends you do not like it.

Talk to parents and teachers about rules against bullying.

For older folks, you know the drill because you survived the teasing and lived to be a responsible person.

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