Friday, July 15, 2016

Benefits to Setting Daily Goals

Benefits of Daily Goals.
All my life I had dreams to dream and goals to reach. Some were unrealistic and only a miracle would get me there. Some were reachable in a short period of time. This gave me a quick satisfaction and enough fuel to keep me moving.
As I grew older, I dropped those New Year’s resolutions because I didn’t see any reason to reset goals each year. Why reset goals again and again? Realizing this approach was unrealistic for me I started setting daily goals. And as I set daily goals, I tweaked then as I went.
When I reached my 80th birthday I started setting a goal for each birthday. For my 80Th birthday, I walked a 5K on what I called my “training wheels”- my walker.   With the help of my daughter, I started training for the 5k. This gave me a reason to get up, get dressed, and show up each day. On race day, I reached that goal as I crossed the finish line,
The 81st birthday I set a goal to organize a book club at my local Mt. Juliet Senior Activity Club. My daily goals were filled with research on “How to start a book club” I completed my research paper and presented my suggestion to the Senior Center Director. Imagination Traveler’s Book Club is 3 years old.
What next was the question I asked myself for my 82 birthday goal?  To answer the question I had a profound realization that volunteering was the answer. I volunteered to lead the book club.  My goal was set for 100 hours. On National Volunteer Day I received a Volunteer certificate at a recognition breakfast for 132 volunteer hours
My 83rd birthday goal was made by setting a higher goal of 500 volunteer hours at the Senior Center. My need to promote seniors and keep them in the loop and not isolating them became a goal within the volunteer hour’s goal. The Executive Director, of the Senior Center, assigned me to the Marketing Committee. So, I began an increase in volunteer hours. Met the goal with 565 hours and was in the top 8 volunteer group.
84th birthday goal was a natural goal for me, for now, I was on a roll and enjoying my volunteer hours, Then too, I felt comfortable and needed. 1000 hours goal was set!  Adding to the list of things for me to do me I added knitting and crocheting for charity and becoming a volunteer social media poster on Facebook, Twitter and three networks in my area. On Volunteer Day, which coincided with my birthday, I sat and waited for my name to be called. The Top Ten were announced and I began to think did my volunteer sheet get overlooked? Then it happened! My name was called for Top Volunteer Award for 2015. I was so happy because I worked daily and reached my goal of 1047 hours.
What is my goal for my 85th birthday? Continue my volunteer hours for the senior center and add a new goal to it. God willing I will be walking the 5k race in the National Senior Olympics in Birmingham, Ala. in the year 2017. This year I qualified by walking the 5K for The Tennessee State Olympics and win a goal medal in my age bracket. It is a personal goal in promoting “Keep Seniors Moving” for a healthier and happier life any way I can. "Lead by Example".

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Keep Seniors Moving

There is a significant  population of retirees that have little opportunity to socialize keep active and thereby live an active, fuller and longer life. The Senior Center Helps these people. Many would not have this opportunity unless donations are received to support them. Help the seniors of the community any way you can. If you are not a senior now you will be in a few years. Build a future you can grow into. Any amount would be gratefully appreciated. If everyone contributed something toward the building our dream would come true quickly. My dream is to help the Senior Center in Mt. Juliet, Tn. 
Make Check payable to MJSAC Building Fund 2034 N. Mt.Juliet Rd, Mt. Juliet, TN.

GrandmaOnDeck is an 86 year old volunteer at the center who believes in keeping Seniors moving, active, happy and healthier.